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"During the past 10 years of impact investing in Brazil, we have observed a significant development in the impact investing space.

This market study of the impact investing sector in Brazil reveals significant market growth. Nineteen of Brazil's largest impact investors, including fund managers, banks, foundations, family offices and others surveyed expect to commit 40% to 50% more capital to impact investments in 2014 compared to 2013."


"Este informe pretende captar las peculiaridades del sector de inversión de impacto en América Latina durante los dos últimos años, basándose en una muestra de los inversionistas en la región. Mediante información a nivel institucional y a nivel transacción de estos inversionistas, se ofrece un retrato de dónde y cómo se está asignando capital, e identifica los retos que enfrenta el ecosistema. Si bien abarca la región entera, el informe se enfoca en los tres mercados principales de la región: Brasil, México y Colombia."


"O capítulo andino e o capítulo brasileiro criaram um relatório em conjunto que fornece uma visão geral do setor de inclusão financeira na América Latina, com foco no México e no Brasil. O relatório inclui um infográfico do cenário da inclusão financeira nos dois países, usando fatos e números apresentados ao longo de nossas reuniões e mesas-redondas do Learning Lab de Métricas.

Além disso, o relatório apresenta 3 tópicos relevantes sobre inclusão financeira: produtos e serviços financeiros centrados no usuário, infraestrutura necessária para acesso aos serviços financeiros e educação financeira. Cada tópico oferece uma introdução por especialistas e estudos de caso de diversos projetos na América Latina."


"This report aims to capture characteristics of the impact investing sector in Latin America over the past two years based on a sample of impact investors active in the region. Through institution-level and deal-level data shared by these investors, this report gives a snapshot of where and how capital is being allocated and identifies challenges that the ecosystem faces. The report focuses on the region widely while taking a deeper dive into three of the region's largest markets: Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico."


"The Impact Investment Landscape in Brazil is a follow-up to the study launched by the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) and the Association for Private Capital Investment in Latin America (LAVCA) in October 2018. This national report is based on a sub-sample of the 67 survey respondents from the Latin America study, of which 29 are active in Brazil and 22 invested in the country during the period 2016-2017. Most of them identify themselves as impact investors or managers of private equity or venture capital funds. The report provides data on the profile of the active investors, investment activity for 2016-2017 and expectations for investment in Brazil in 2018-2019."


"The Global Accelerator Learning Initiative collects information from entrepreneurs when they apply to accelerator programs. This data summary includes information from 843 ventures operating in Brazil, contributed by 35 accelerator programs."


ANDE’s Brazil chapter works to create a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem in Brazil. The chapter leverages ANDE’s global connections to strengthen the local network, building stronger relationships and collaboration among members and other local actors. We provide members specialized knowledge about the field, national and international connections, and funding opportunities. We also encourage partnerships and knowledge sharing to build the Brazilian SGB sector.

September 23, 2020
Aspen Institute

"Impact Investing in Latin America: Trends 2018-2019" provides a snapshot of the impact investing sector in Latin America over the past two years, with particular focus on Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil.

January 10, 2019
Next Billion

Latin America has been making global headlines, though often for negative reasons. But, there’s another development that’s been building up under the radar: the growth of impact investing in the region. ANDE recently launched the second edition of "The Impact Investing Landscape in Latin America," in association with LAVCA, which explores trends and insights.

October 18, 2018
Citywire Asia

Investors cast aside economic growth concerns and deployed $1.4 billion into Latin American impact investments in 2016 and 2017. This is according to data compiled by the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) and the Association for Private Capital Investment in Latin America.