El Salvador

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"A medida que la población rural sigue disminuyendo y el panorama económico del país sigue evolucionando, es importante entender cómo estos cambios afectan a uno de los pilares del empleo y a la actividad económica en la región: las y los emprendedores rurales. Este reporte busca examinar los actuales mecanismos de apoyo dirigidos a las y los emprendedores de las zonas rurales de El Salvador. Las siguientes secciones ofrecen perspectivas basadas en información obtenida de organizaciones que apoyan a las y los emprendedores en zonas rurales del país."


"As the rural population continues to decline and the country’s economic landscape continues to evolve, it is important to understand how these shifts affect one of the backbones of employment and economic activity in the region – rural entrepreneurs. This report aims to take stock of the current support mechanisms directed toward entrepreneurs in rural areas in El Salvador. The following sections offer insights based on data collected from organizations that support entrepreneurs in rural areas of the country"

May 11, 2021
Aspen Institute

The Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) releases new research on organizations that promote entrepreneurship and support rural MSMEs. Each snapshot provides local data on available services and most needed support, with additional insights regarding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.


"En septiembre de 2020, la Red Aspen de Emprendedores para el Desarrollo (ANDE por sus siglas en inglés) publicó un estudio titulado “Inversión de Impacto en América Latina”, que examina las tendencias en la región durante 2018 -2019. A continuación se muestra un enfoque sobre América Central, que utiliza datos del informe completo para resaltar tendencias clave en países centroamericanos, durante este período de dos años."


"In September 2020, the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) published a study titled “Impact Investing in Latin America”, which examines trends in the region during 2018 - 2019. Below is a spotlight on Central America, which uses data from the full report to highlight key trends in Central American countries during this two year period."


"The Global Accelerator Learning Initiative collects information from entrepreneurs when they apply to accelerator programs. This data summary includes information from 812 ventures operating in Central America, contributed by 56 accelerator programs."


"With growing interest in the confluence between effective entrepreneurship and genuine economic development, more and more accelerator programs are working to find, select and support promising entrepreneurs, especially those working in emerging markets. As these efforts accumulate, it is critical that we learn from them, so that future programs are better able to support promising emerging-market entrepreneurs.

This report focuses on an entrepreneur-support program run by TechnoServe in four Central American countries. In 2012, TechnoServe established the "Impulsa Tu Empresa" program to provide small and growing businesses (SGBs) in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua with the training, advice, market connections and access to capital they need to develop and implement promising business plans."