Decent work

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09:00 - 13:00
Cape Town, South Africa

We are excited to host our second learning lab in Cape Town, Western Cape with support from the Walmart Foundation.

April 4, 2023

Maintaining employee motivation, productivity and well-being ultimately translates to community development. The #ANDEDecentEntrepreneurship Interview Series presents strategies that Entrepreneurship Support Organizations (ESOs) and SGBs in the East and Southeast Asia region can use to create a fair and engaging workplace.

March 30, 2023

We are excited to be launching the Township Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Learning Labs aimed at supporting the development of township-based organizations providing support to small and growing businesses (SGBs) in these contexts that will address key challenges to the quality and effectiveness of services provided.

09:00AM - 12:00PM
Johannesburg, South Africa

We are excited to announce that we will be hosting ANDE’s Township Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Learning Labs in South Africa.


“Firms in developing countries struggle to recruit effective employees, due in part to their reliance on traditional recruitment networks such as family, friends, and referrals. This can limit the quantity and quality of potential hires and constrain the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These hiring constraints can also limit employment opportunities for job seekers, especially in countries where SMEs employ a large share of the labor force. This research examines the impact of online job portals on reducing hiring frictions in the Indian labor market, using a randomized controlled trial (RCT) methodology. The study finds that firms in developing countries are more likely to fill a job vacancy when they receive both online job portal interventions, compared to receiving only larger applicant pools or identity verification services. Firms in the joint treatment group were 68% more likely to hire workers from the portal than firms in the control group, and these firms are more likely to hire overall across all recruitment methods. The study suggests that online job portals can provide a source for suitable employees outside of traditional networks, especially for smaller employers who may have less capacity to screen applicants. The authors highlight the importance of addressing multiple recruitment challenges in tandem for online job portals to alleviate constraints on recruitment in emerging markets.”