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O termo gestão de talentos pode ser definido de várias maneiras, mas, em geral, se refere aos processos de uma empresa para recrutar, desenvolver e reter funcionários cujas funções têm o maior potencial de contribuição para a vantagem competitiva de uma empresa. Este relatório resume a literatura existente sobre gestão de talentos em SMEs, com foco nas economias em desenvolvimento – sempre que possível – e aponta para lacunas específicas de pesquisa que devem ser priorizadas no futuro.


El término de gestión de talento puede definirse de varias maneras, pero en general se refiere a los procesos de un negocio para reclutar, desarrollar y retener a personas empleadas cuyos roles tienen el mayor potencial para sumar a la ventaja competitiva de la empresa. Este reporte resume la literatura existente sobre la gestión de talento en las PyMEs con un enfoque en las economías en desarrollo donde es posible, y señala vacíos específicos en la investigación que deben ser priorizados en el futuro.

9:00 - 10:30am CDT

Event in English and Spanish/Evento en español e inglés
Centroamérica y México - Discutiremos el enfoque en prácticas de trabajo decente - más allá del empleo formal - en las SGBs

May 20, 2021

"This tool has been developed for businesses to allow them to directly enter data, in order to assess their business operations from a gender perspective at three levels: human capital, productivity management, and market. The tool will walk businesses through a three-step process to collect data about where women are within agribusiness operations, provide a report analyzing the data showing gender gaps in women and men participation as employees and suppliers, as well as highlighting the policies, practices and systems that should be in place for a business to support gender inclusion. Finally, the report will provide recommendations on action steps businesses can take towards increasing women's inclusion across core business areas."


"In collaboration with Google, this report presents four opportunities for unlocking the potential of female entrepreneurship in India: 1) Level the playing field for the high-impact, employment-creating entrepreneurs; 2) Enable ambitious “solopreneurs” and small business owners to scale and become high-impact entrepreneurs; 3) Encourage more women to start enterprises; 4) Build, strengthen and scale productive rural “agripreneurs.”


"While the rise of the internet and online hiring practices can increase access to job opportunities for historically disadvantaged groups, an upsurge in the number of applications can lead managers to intentionally or unintentionally rely more heavily on demographic-based stereotypes. This type of discrimination is a challenge globally, and to counter these tendencies new and innovative tools are needed to reduce bias. We look specifically at the challenge of reducing gender bias in Indian hiring. Using data on hiring for full-time professional jobs in India from Shortlist, a hiring firm that is a leader in using bias-mitigating tools, we consider the validity of the global literature on gender discrimination in the Indian context.rm that is a leader in using bias-mitigating tools, we consider the validity of the global literature on gender discrimination in the Indian context."


"This paper explores the effectiveness of goal setting and accountability within group-based entrepreneurship initiatives in creating human capital. The study uses a randomized cluster trial to compare the experimental and control groups of entrepreneurs. The results suggest that frequent goal setting and accountability in group settings provides a greater number of learning experiences and human capital development opportunities available to entrepreneurs than those that did not engage in the same level of goal setting."